iUniverse 2000
O Holy Night
This video has authenticity~ the night, the light, the shepherds' awe,
the agony of Mother Mary's labor, Papa Joseph's tenderness in being overcome by joy~
Mary the priest bringing forth the Word of God
in her cry mingling with the Child's~
Let's run to them~
I'll meet you there!
of Mary's Woods, Marylhurst, Oregon
Other "This is My Body" images~

The poem "Before Jesus" is in the books by Alla Renée Bozarth~
and then too old for that~ and finally have become ready
Blessed Mother of Water, Earth, Wind and Fire
Not being very imaginative,
I depend on the outside
world to give me material
for inspiration, in other words,
something to write about,
and as often as possible,
Tonight, for instance,
being Christmas Eve eve,
I’ll expect the customary
visitation of the stirring companions,
Not-a-Creature and Not-Even, a mouse,
forerunners of rustlings in the chimney—
but beyond that, contemplating the fact
that in a city beyond the border of my country
in the southern portion of this northern
continent, people are celebrating
the Night of the Radishes,
displaying their lovingly grown, dug and carved
five-to-ten pound long root vegetables unlike their puny,
round, northern cousins by the same family name, and
children will be admiring the artistry of their mothers
and fathers and aunts and uncles and grandparents
all, as they inhale a steaming plate of tacos fresh
from the oven and see the colored candle lights’
shifting shadows on the centerpiece
radish nativity scene~
Mamacita Maria, Papi José and Bebé Jésus,
lifting his tiny hand to touch the radish root from
whence he bravely came as earth from earth,
this cold and holy night of nights, to inspire
fractious siblings to sing in rare harmony together,
practicing for the day of days when they will get it right
worldwide, and be always kind and generous toward
each other and all others, creatures great and small,
whose worthiness is beside the point of a generous
and loving Creator, Whose most passionate thought
is to love them all, no matter what bad decisions
they might make for themselves, until they finally learn
to love themselves and the world with true and equal dignity.
Alla Renée Bozarth
The Frequency of Light
Copyright 2013.
Words and Images Welcoming Light in the Wilderness
I depend on the outside
world to give me material
for inspiration, in other words,
something to write about,
and as often as possible,
being Christmas Eve eve,
I’ll expect the customary
visitation of the stirring companions,
Not-a-Creature and Not-Even, a mouse,
forerunners of rustlings in the chimney—
that in a city beyond the border of my country
in the southern portion of this northern
continent, people are celebrating
the Night of the Radishes,
five-to-ten pound long root vegetables unlike their puny,
round, northern cousins by the same family name, and
children will be admiring the artistry of their mothers
and fathers and aunts and uncles and grandparents
all, as they inhale a steaming plate of tacos fresh
from the oven and see the colored candle lights’
shifting shadows on the centerpiece
radish nativity scene~
lifting his tiny hand to touch the radish root from
whence he bravely came as earth from earth,
this cold and holy night of nights, to inspire
fractious siblings to sing in rare harmony together,
practicing for the day of days when they will get it right
worldwide, and be always kind and generous toward
each other and all others, creatures great and small,
whose worthiness is beside the point of a generous
and loving Creator, Whose most passionate thought
is to love them all, no matter what bad decisions
they might make for themselves, until they finally learn
to love themselves and the world with true and equal dignity.
The Frequency of Light
Copyright 2013.
Diamond Chrysalis with Sapphire Eye~
Star Nebula resembling an Earthling's embryo!
. . . or something from the ocean . . .
A baby hippopotamus that survived the Tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong bond with a giant male century-old tortoise in an animal facility in the port city of Mombassa . . .
. . . odd, but beautiful, and who isn't, deep down,
or to God?
Monday morning and
Grandma and Grandpa God, Tears of Joy God
Today someone sent me a portrait of God the Grumpy Geezer.
I did not think much of it, except, “Poor Guy.”
Looks like God’s kids don’t call
and the pension check doesn’t
cover much of anything.
He’d probably have road rage behind the wheel.
I used to just dismiss the fellow,
no matter how much good press he gets from
God-knows-who, given the way he’s said to treat
his friends, and foes need not apply.
He’s been shown too long and too much as a big bad version
of humanity’s worst traits: immature, petty, spiteful,
sulking, mean-spirited and downright violent, not to mention
prone to child abuse. God is Love is Right, but this is no
of the Real God I know and love.
That wonderful Jewish Rabbi Yeshua who showed so much
divine transparency has been treated badly, too, made out
to be the Palestine Pansy when he’s really so direct it’s
“Judge not or you’ll be judged,” he said, but most people
ignore that and judge away.
I’m taking a turn of conscience today.
I feel so bad for the persona in this postcard picture of
on my kitchen counter that I’ve decided to spend
some time cheering him up. First, I’d bake him some cookies,
which is really something because I’m no baker.
Better make him a cherry crisp.
I can do that! I’ll whip up my special whipped cream
with vanilla and orange extracts to go with it and watch him
when he smells it fresh from the oven and gets a look
at the beautiful pie cherry color, then takes his first bite
of it
with a big dollop of vanilla orange whipped cream.
After that he’ll feel relaxed, and I’ll start telling him
the penguin joke is good, but maybe he’s heard it too often.
Lena and Ole are always winners.
Then I’ll give him a blanket and show him the chaise
in the spring garden so he can take a nap under
the cherry tree and inhale lilacs and roses, and drift off
to the lullaby of water falling over rocks and birdsongs.
I’ll tell the birds to keep their serenade melodious and
gentle, not as raucous as it sometimes gets around here. . .
I’ll bet he hasn’t had a time like this in millennia.
After awhile I’ll wake him up with a big loud kiss
on his furrowed forehead. I’ll ask him to tell me his
dreams. . . .
I’ll listen with all my heart. Then I’ll ask how the Beautiful
Lady I know as God is. . . .
I do just that, and God’s husband says, “She cries tears of
and empathy every day, which doesn’t look or sound happy,
but she says they’re way past happiness into feelings
she can only express in a river of love.
“She says there is all the anguish of the world in them,
getting bathed and balmed, all the things she can’t prevent
because of the way the universe is made with every creature
freely becoming itself, everything mixed in and tumbling,
but we love it all the more.
“She tells me I need to step back and let people hear her
firm but gentler voice. They seem to relate better to her.
She is breathtakingly beautiful, that’s a fact.
“She reminds me that fire is our firstborn child, the stuff
we used for the stars, that water came next, and air, then
the dark matter of space, and finally things cooled and
settled here and there, in space pockets of places,
to make the most interesting forms, some of them
teeming with life, like yours.
“Of course, I know all this. We did it together
and are still doing it, and anyway, we don’t really look
like this,
but you humans seem to relate best to those you understand,
so you make us over into your own image in your minds, and
that’s how we come out in art.
“Even this business of “We” is strictly human.
You, We and I are the same here in
This whole conversation is just for your benefit, Child,
but I’m enjoying it, too. You had a good point.
“We went along with your ancestors and overdid that
God the Father image, and look what happened.
Men behaving badly, thinking they’re being ‘godly,’
lording it over everything and referring to me as ‘Lord,’
too. Do they think I’m an Englishman and a member
of the Peerage?
“Now there’s a rowdy bunch.
What goes on in the House of Lords
would never pass for
“Well, Honey, Thanks for the great afternoon.
I’d better go see what your Mama God wants me to do
for her. Maybe we’ll show up together in a beautiful flower
in your garden tomorrow, and see if We/I/You can do
something to help that sick silk tree of yours. It’s already
bloomed for you for 30 years past its life expectancy.
“But you and the tree love and appreciate each other
so it sticks around, even diseased and wounded,
forgetting its suffering for love and letting your
grateful tears of joy water its roots
as deep as deep can be.
“Thanks for shedding them.
Mama God loves you for it.
So do I.
“I’m not really such a bad guy.
I really am full of love.
That’s all I am, really,
but love is big as Infinity
and has so many forms,
also to Infinity.
“I hope humans in general really, really get that,
and inspired young or old painters keep on painting me
as other things besides themselves or others on a bad day
or in a sappy mood.
“Here in the garden with you, sharing my dreams
with a good listener, I’m feeling some tears of joy
of my own coming on. Maybe it’ll rain soon.
“Grandma God, now she’s the real gardener.
She says, ‘Gramps, you’re an old fraud pretending
not to understand about feelings sometimes.
When you let them come,
your tears make beautiful rainbows.’ ”
Alla Renée Bozarth
The Frequencies of
Sound, copyright 2012.
The silk mimosa over rhododendron and roses in the front
was not expected to live beyond the usual fifteen years when
I came here so many years ago, and the tree was already
years old.
When it was nearly twenty, it was growing so rapidly
and generously that it broke its heart with flowers
one day in a downpour.
Half the tree covered all of the grass, separated
and gone
to green for good.
A huge gash of a wound healed to a tarry scar,
and an immense curl of strong scar tissue
protectively encircled the old exposed injury.
Now, twenty-four years later, it is going strong at more
than twice
its predicted life span, and no one is allowed to tell it
but only, Live On! watered with love and gratitude
and praise down to its deeply receptive roots.
But what really keeps it alive, I think, is its own divine
that every summer draws hundreds of hummingbirds
to take up residence among the delicate, honey-scented flowers.
And they do not sing when they are at home,
these small
wonder birds.
They talk! On and on they chatter,
with amazing voices that
are not music
but plain and unmistakable conversation.
They play together
by twos
in loops and lusty leaps, dive bombing the roses,
then going back to sip on those pink silk, feathery fan flowers,
where they get high until, by noon, they are so drunk with love
for this tree that they encircle it with a great,
green and gold and bright pink hummingbird hug.
They rest all afternoon, passed out on its branches,
leaning their heads on its leaves, still chattering to each
in their dreams, with voices relentless as wings.
The tree sways gently beneath these fairylike birds
and sprouts another hundred buds, shedding its feathers
and leaves all over the grass to make more room.
Noisy? you ask. Messy! you say.
And I say, when you love
you don’t mind the mess so much,
and that is not noise but
and soon I will have listened long enough
to be able myself to converse among them,
and help the silk tree to live for a hundred years.
Love's Alchemy
In case you need
Alla Renée Bozarth
into the poetry of the universe~ Quasars, Pulsars and
Quarks with their color superconductors of strong interaction—
Glory to Thee for the perfume of lilies and roses
Glory to Thee for each different taste of berry and fruit
Glory to Thee for the sparkling silver of early morning dew
Glory to Thee for the joy of dawn's awakening
Glory to Thee for the new life each day brings
Glory to Thee, O God, from age to age
The title, "Glory to God for All Things," is "from the words of St. John Chrysostom as he was dying in exile. It is a song of praise from amidst the most terrible sufferings." orthodoxwiki.org/Akathist {See "Other Akathists" on that page.}I read his hymn on Thanksgiving Night and wrote this then, on the cusp of Advent and in anticipation of the Birthday of the Mystical Body of Christ, Creation Itself, which we celebrate in our commemoration of the birthday of the human infant Yeshua, Christ in our midst as a helpless babe, and also Christ as Cosmic Starfire.

Composite x-ray imaging of the Crab Nebula, showing pulsating, high-density
emissions of electro-magnetic beams from Pulsar stars,
the heart-beat of Invisible Light whose precise pulsations of energy
provide orientation to the community of galaxies including our own,
and to all creatures
in the dark heavens.
the syllable of Being,
with threefold lullabies of Peace, Peace, Peace

Cycle of pulsed gamma rays from the Vela Pulsar~
O! Star of Wonder, Star of Night,
Star with Royal Beauty bright . . .
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect Light.
Listen to 5 minutes of pure bliss, music by Morten Lauridsen,
words by James Agee,
Sure On this Shining Night:
kindness must watch for me this side the ground,
on this shining night, this shining night
Sure on this shining night of star-made shadows round,
kindness must watch for me this side the ground,
on this shining night, this shining night
The late year lies down the north
All is healed, all is health
High summer holds the earth, hearts all whole
The late year lies down the north
All is healed, all is health
High summer holds the earth, hearts all whole
Sure on this shining night,
sure on this shining, shining night
Sure on this shining night
I weep for wonder wand'ring far alone
Of shadows on the stars
Sure on this shining night, this shining night
On this shining night, this shining night
Sure on this shining night
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
Note on the pictures: Baptism picture was taken
by a godparent; silk mimosa and camellia pictures from my garden
as well as Mt. Hood, the Columbia River Gorge and the deer with pear tree
& wildflowers with angel of light in my pasture were taken by me.
All other images are from the Internet.
Thank you! I especially love the "Before Jesus" poem.
ReplyDeleteOh. My. I have just seen this. How did I miss it?
ReplyDeleteChristmas truly is every day. And I think this is my best present.
A visit to the many forms of Love in all beginnings.